Monday, May 5, 2014

Trying to conceive a girl about fact and myths

trying to conceive a baby girl
You may be one of those parents who often ask the question “How to trying conceive a girl”. Are you longing for a baby girl? Do you already have a boy child in your home and you just want to keep the gender balance? Or do you just simply prefer a baby girl over a baby boy? Scientifically speaking, there have been no proven techniques or methods that have shown accurate way in producing a baby girl. But if you are indeed interested, there are some ways that would increase the likelihood of bearing a baby girl that you have always dreamed.

Conceiving a child is the result of the union of a sperm cell from a father and an egg cell from a mother. A mother produces one egg cell during ovulation and a father produces millions of sperm cell during ejaculation. As a result of sexual intercourse, sperm cell propels itself towards the uterus and engage the egg cell where they will unite, forming the initial life of the child.

The father’s sperm cell carries the genes that dictate whether the fetus (that is what we call for the child that is still in the mother’s womb) becomes a girl or boy. Strictly speaking, chances of the fetus to become a girl is just 50%, with equal chances of it becoming a boy. With the following lines, some of methods will be shown to you to increase this chance as high as 80% to 90%.

trying to conceive a girl
Interestingly, there are various ways to conceive a girl by adjusting one’s lifestyle and personal habits. Let us begin by introducing some ways specifically regarding changes in diet to conceive a girl. According to a study, 172 couples who wanted to add a baby girl to their family were monitored. After these couples adapted a change of diet, a promising 80% of the couples of the study conceived daughters.

Here are some of tips on what to eat to conceive a girl :
  • Increase in Calcium and Magnesium and included foods such as fruits, cheese, green leafy vegetables and rice
  • Supplements for these minerals as well
  • Avoidance of foods rich in sodium and potassium such as potatoes and bananas as they are deemed to increase the chances of conceiving a boy.

When to conceive a girl?

In terms of timing, there are some tips as well regarding the best time to conceive a girl. Let us review first some of the underlying concepts that forms as the basis for this tip. As mentioned previously, the sperm cell determines the gender of the baby. So sperm cells can be either a male sperm or a female sperm. Microscopically, the female sperm is much heavier than a male sperm. As a result, male sperm moves faster but, also dies faster.

Using this concept, it means that by having sex a few days before ovulation (ovulation means when the egg cell is released), female sperms which falls behind the race, might actually be the ones who will be able to meet the newly released egg cell. The faster male sperms, once they reach the site where they will supposedly meet the egg cell, might eventually die since there will be no egg cell to meet yet at this earlier point.

So as long as the couple will have sex around 2-3 days before ovulation, the higher chance they will be getting a girl baby.

The following are some of the tips in order to acquaint a woman regarding her ovulation pattern :
  • For women with regular 28 day menstruation period, you can use a calendar to estimate the day of your ovulation. Ovulation is 14 days before you bleed. So in a regular 28 days schedule, ovulation comes in the 14th. Conceiving a baby 2-3 days before the 14th day increases the chance of having a baby girl. You just might want to be careful because sperm cells have an average lifespan of 4-5 days. It is best to have sex as far as possible before a woman reaches ovulation, but still close enough that the sperm cell will survive.
  • Use an ovulation chart so you are aware when you are ovulating.
  • Check your temperature. Your Basal body Temperature is your baseline reading you check first thing in the morning and before you get out of the bed. Your BBT fluctuates depending on which hormone dominates in your menstrual cycle. During ovulation, your temperature rises suddenly from its lowest point to about half a degree (centigrade). Once there is a sharp increase in your BBT, that means ovulation has occurred. If you couple this with an ovulation chart or calendar, you will be able to predict the pattern of your ovulation.
  • You can also check for the pattern of cervix. Basically, the mucous produced by your cervix during ovulation is more copious, thinner, and slippery. In addition, when you try to stretch the mucous using your fingers, it will stretch far apart before it finally breaks. Contrary to pre-ovulation, it is thicker and has a white or cloudy appearance, and once you stretch it, it breaks apart easily.

Positions to trying conceive a girl

Positions can also be a factor on how to conceive a baby girl. Female Sperm loves to thrive in an acidic environment and hates the opposite. Deep into the cervix lies an alkaline environment while the superficial one is acidic. It is therefore preferable to avoid deep penetration during sex. Position to conceive a girl includes :
  1. The Missionary Position, which avoids deep penetration into the cervix
  2. Woman staying on top.
There are also some myths and fallacies that we hear. We often hear old wive’s tales to predict how to have a baby girl. Some claim these to be effective though no scientific explanation can provide enough back-up evidence to support this statements. Regardless, some couples still use these in trying to conceive a girl.

So, here are some of the tips on how to trying conceive a girl naturally :
  • Woman who are the ones who seduces their husband to sex is more likely to trying conceive a baby girl
  • Sex on a night with a full moon
  • Eating lots of chocolates or sweets in general
  • Having sex in the early afternoon will produce a girl.
Take note that there are no absolute methods that would guarantee success. Scientific studies are still ongoing today in order to find the correlations between these patterns and the likelihood of a baby girl. Just take note that still the best way to have a baby girl is to enlist your husband’s cooperation. Cooperation and shared decision making will go a long way in your decisions as a couple and avoids the incidence of misunderstanding during these moments. All those mentioned are but some of the tips on how to trying conceive a girl.


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